the early drafts
were located and copied — the period as fragmented
for instance compile various blanknesses
no more
was I inquiry
in fact bait pulls process
a — middle thing —
a grand resemblance to safety
a pillow stays youthful; drifted
how it developed “description”
turned to be known “as touching
jaw after jaw”
serving to consecrate the forms in some young face
behind this page
° °
now bile thy gloss
lead us into sod
all oracular begins in the garden
as herb
or trumpet blank
“in the attic” constantly remaining
would the department finish
leathering the book
I cherish my swallow
one coin could take the system and crash
throat like as with smokepulp
skirt's dim light or ghost —
Gabriel Coffman is a PhD Candidate in the University at Buffalo and has been a reader/screener for Fiction Collective 2, Subito Press, and Timber Journal. His work can be found in: Dream Pop, Gone Lawn, Yalobusha Review, Psychopomp Magazine, The Hunger Journal, and Five:2:One.