The Metaphysical Review is proud to present “INTO THE METAVERSE”, a raw, breathtaking issue of prose and poetry by poets and prosewriters all over the globe. Sexy, somber, terrifying, tragic— the universe never failed us, and our amazing contributors are another testament to this. The sweeping existential works that they’ve provided us with— the unique voice and multifaceted, sharp-eyed observation— with them we’re limitless, through and through. Just like our staff, in their own bildungsroman of success, whether it be in a national arts competition in Miami, or the solace found in college acceptance emails, just like the world around us, a world that we’ll live into, remember, and die before we’ll forget it. Or even the boundless, rich void of the past—like with Margaret Kehinde Makinde’s moving spirituality or with John Grey’s “SHADOW AND STATUE” (Tonight’s Feature!), instead looking into the future, all the people that he meets cast away into a life’s play, a life’s show. Come along, in this brief fragment of stillness, and yet movement— where paradoxes are the tertiary consumers. Reach out a hand, take the tip of a cigar that you can’t touch, in Arthur Sadrian’s “Smoke Stains”, introducing us to the orbits of the expeditioners before us. And even after we go on the adventures in our own lives, we find new ones, metaphysical congruency in the pages we open. And in that there are so many steps we still have to take, so many summer showers to tilt our heads upwards to. So many stars to sip. It just happens that you’ve reached this one, the non-Mark Zuckerberg and far better Metaverse.
So, hello, space cowboy— let’s ride.
All love, Editor in Chief and Founder of the Metaphysical Review,
Hans Yang